Can you Feel it? Then, Believe it.

Can you Feel it? Then, Believe it.

Philippines Eden Cheese Christmas TV Commercial 2013

So in the first part of the commercial, we can see that a lady is preparing stuff for the celebration of Christmas. She’s placing some toys over the boxes. She attached some laces to the bells and placed it in the ceiling. She put garlands to the handle of the stairs and the house was lighted up as she decorated it with Christmas lights. The whole commercial will not be complete without the presence of the Eden cheese on all the foods that were presented on the table.

At first I thought she was single that is why she is the only one who will celebrate the Christmas, but everything made sense when finally a kid showed up on the scene which is her son. I never thought she was actually a mother because she looks very young for the role, but it is just my opinion for that matter. The big twist here is that her son is actually blind. She puts the toys above the boxes for the child to touch what’s inside of it. She attached the laces to the bells so that when the moment his son decided to pull it, the bells will ring. The mother also constructed fake snows for her son and they really look beautiful while they have fun. The garlands were also touched by the kid as he went down from upstairs.

The mother and her child

The climax of the commercial is when, after the child ate the spaghetti with the Eden cheese, he went through his mother and cupped her face with his hands. He traced the lips of her mom and guide it to form a smile and then he leaned through her mother’s chest and they pulled each other for a warm hug. It was so heart whelming because it showed that the kid appreciated everything that her mother did for him.

The kid eating the spaghetti

With Eden’s tagline “Para sa Paskong Damang-dama,” it just shows that every one of us, especially Filipinos has our own way of celebrating Christmas. The commercial portrayed how the mother showed her unconditional love for her kid even if he was blind. As I watched it, I felt overwhelmed and my heart felt very warm, like when the cheese is melted from my mouth. Yay for Eden cheese!

Kindly click the captions for the photo credits. Thank you!

Castle in the Air

Castle in the Air

Do you believe in fairy tales? Wherein the princess waits for his prince charming to live happily ever after? Because if you’ll ask me, I don’t. Even if you’ll sprinkle me with your magical pixie dust.

My parents’ little steps towards their life’s journey didn’t go well in the first place. Mom is sixteen years younger than Dad and my father is separated from his former ex-wife before he courted my mother. Many people criticized them and of course, they were insulted because of their relationship towards one another. But throughout the controversies and all, they decided to fight for the love that they both deserve.

Through God’s grace, they were showered with abundant blessings and they were given a child and that is me. Yes, I’m a menopausal baby. My mother named me “Clarice” because she told me I will serve as the light in the darkness. Oh, I wish I were but I guess I’m not because I’m easily affected by my thoughts especially the sad ones. However, my father insisted to add the name “Mutya” because it means “one and only.” I am their one and only child. Eventually, my mother has no siblings too. Anyway, my surname “Ganancial” means “financial” in Spanish. My whole name is a combination of English, Filipino and Spanish words. Honestly, I can’t find any connection between all of them and it doesn’t make sense for me. The combination, I mean.

As I grew up, I’ve been teased a thousand times because of my name. At that time, it is unusual not unlike now, almost every Filipino uses my name especially when it comes to Teleseryes and other stuff. Every time they make fun of my name, I cringe because it means a lot for me and of course for my parents. They came up with that idea because in the first place, they were thankful for the precious gift that God has given them. It hurts me a lot when other people don’t think first before they say something awful, especially to the younger version of myself. I do believe that verbal abuse is more painful than physical treatment. I must say that I’ve been bullied but it never came up to my mind to change my name because I know having this name is a privileged. They had given me a unique identity for myself.

Maybe we’re not perfect. We don’t live in the castle. I don’t have a royal family, which were the King and the Queen to live up the fantasies that were spoon fed to us children for our bedtime stories before we go to sleep. But I’m proud to say that I am raised as a lady of the simple, yet perfectly imperfect parents that other kids wish they could have.

Most of the time, they don’t usually read the things that I write, but I want to dedicate this article for them. Mama, Papa, thank you for all the things that you’ve shared with me and for all the sacrifices you’ve made just to raise me up as a good person. I wouldn’t be in my place right now if not because of you and for all the hard works you’ve done for me. I will forever be grateful and blessed to have you in my life as my parents and nothing could change that.

I love you both, always.