Know what is right from wrong

Know what is right from wrong

Editor Joyce Pañares, from Manila Standard, shared some important points on the Broadcast Journalism Forum last January 27, 2018 about the reality on social media and fake news at the newly renovated New Era University hall.

I really had fun listening to her because she is very prank and honest towards her views and opinions in life. She enthusiastically discussed her topics briefly, but what impacted me the most is information. She said there are two types of information that people received from the media — misinformation and disinformation.

In misinformation, you are informed about something that is not true and you decided to spread it and there will come a time when you will be corrected and you will admit that you are wrong that is why you will need to apologize to the things that you have said. On the other hand, disinformation is when you know that you are wrong, but you will stand up for it and believe that it is right.

Ms. Joyce for me is very brave for she stands for what she believes and she is very honest to admit her mistakes to the public and pay for it if she really commit any of those.

I agreed to what she have said that there are no objectivity in writing a news. Everyone must obey the rules and ethics of journalism and we must serve the public whole-heatedly in giving back to our country. We must not spoon-feed them with lies. Especially, if we know in ourselves that doing those things will not lead us to any good progress and betterment of our motherland.

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