A Change of Heart

A Change of Heart

Individuals embrace current circumstances. They get ready for and stress over what’s to come. Then again, history sums up everything that has happened beforehand. Contemplating the history is significant because it enables us to comprehend our past, which thus permits to comprehend our present. When it comes to understanding present-day problems or situations, we must realize to ourselves that the way our world functions today is a result of the past that we had yesterday. In order to learn from our mistakes, we have to look to history for answers. In this manner, we can avoid repeating the same blunder all over again.

As the public often says that “history repeats itself,” we can do something for a better change. Examining the history can give us knowledge into our civilization and also societies with which we may be less recognizable, in this manner expanding diverse mindfulness and comprehension. Well, in the first place, history offers a large dimension of information about how people and societies behave and go along with each other.

My favorite part of our museum tour is when we went inside the dark room and our guide lighted up the countries that has a biblical meaning to the history of mankind. For me, I saw this representation as a metaphor of life and hope. At first, there is nothing but darkness, but after that God gave his only son, Jesus, to light up the world and save our sinful souls from an eternal suffering in hell. He sacrificed his beloved son for our sake and who are we to receive that kind of greatness from the heavens above? We must always be thankful for He has this unconditional love for each and every one of us.

After an hour or so of our little journey inside the Iglesia Ni Cristo museum, I came to realize that this institution had already been through a lot, not only in religious aspects, but also in the general mankind of the society that we live in. It is true that before you will be successful into something that you want to achieve in life, there will be a lot of trials and struggles that will come into your way to test your strength and well-being. In their case, their faith was tested through the executions that were made by the Japanese regime in the Philippines. They stand for what they believed and because of their faith, they were saved.

It goes down today for their continued success in everything that they do and it can also happen to anyone that is willing to try doing it, too. Like there’s nothing wrong with failing, because what matters the most is you stand up again and give your best shot in everything. We can set aside our differences for a while; culture, religion or whatever it is. If we have a common goal of doing all things together for a righteous purpose, we can do it when we are united as one. Equity and fairness shall reign upon us all.

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