Strong and Brave

Strong and Brave

2018 is the best. There are a lot of trials that required so much patience, but there’s no excuse to be grateful for everything. God has given me a beautiful life and a happy extended family. I couldn’t ask for more.

This year taught me lessons in life that I’ll treasure forever. What I liked the most is that I learned what is the real meaning of FORGIVENESS.

Okay, story time.

Many people that I loved hurt me this year. It’s not actually new to me and I already got used to it. But the mere fact that I trusted them and gave them my full support, yet they still managed to hurt me.

It is really disappointing. I felt really awful to the point that I questioned myself if I did something wrong with them that made me deserve this kind of pain. It is their fault, but I blamed myself.

I went to sleep and cry, then later on I felt the anger inside me and the sadness started eating me alive. I got frustrated and eventually I developed some trust issues.

The first thing I did in order to be okay is that I made peace with my pain.

Making that move it not easy at all. It’s like swallowing a big lump of rice and viand in one bite. In order to get out in the jail cell of bitterness, you need to let it go. The resentments that you’re feeling will harm you more than your offender.

It is not something we do for others – it’s something we do for ourselves. Being free helps us to live in the present and enjoy life to the fullest.

If Jesus can forgive seventy times seven times, then why can’t we give other people the chance to prove themselves? There’s always room for change.

Little by little I learned how to forgive myself and the small joy I felt in my heart made a big impact for my well-being and growth.

Here’s my year end message to the person who’s reading this,

You can’t predict what may happen to you, but you can control how will you respond to a certain situation. You have the power of owning your emotions. You are the master of yourself and no one can take that away from you. Be kind to yourself, kid.

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