The Key for True Happiness is…

The Key for True Happiness is…

How can you say if you really love somebody? Does it mean you can do everything just to prove yourself to that person? Or give your full time and attention just to say that someone is important? For me to be honest, there is no instruction or manual that teaches you about the things that you must do. As the cliché quote says, “Follow your heart,” you must really follow what your heart wants because it will be your guide to the true happiness of your soul.

It is really normal to be bored in a relationship, especially if you’re together for a long time already. The long nights became cold times. The days that you’re together now feels like a routine. The same thing goes on and on like it’s on a loop or on a repeat. Then you start wondering what’s happening between the two of you? Where did all the butterflies in your stomach go? You asked yourself, “Is it still worth fighting for if you’re the only one who wants to continue?” You want to be unbothered but the pain strikes your heart every time you close your eyes. It hurts my dear, I know.

There will come a time and you’ll realize that you must put yourself first above anything. One major rule is that the joy and happiness must always come first. Don’t compromise your whole being for the sake of others that don’t value your existence. There’s no need to hide your emotions. The pain that you feel while you’re in a coffee shop is also the same pain that haunts you at 3 AM in the morning in the bathroom. You’re just a human being and sometimes you get tired. The best advice is that you give time for yourself and rest.

As Augustus Waters have said, “That’s the thing about pain, it demands to be felt.”

The importance of someone doesn’t depend on another person. Loving yourself is also a reminder that you are strong and independent in your own beautiful way. Don’t let other people discourage you on being a better version of yourself. You always matter in this world. You are necessary and you are loved. True happiness comes from within yourself, not from someone else. Stop searching, start living.

“Always remember that you’re a precious gem and you are worth more than many sparrows.” Matthew 10:31 NIV


• Augustus Waters of The Fault in Our Stars – John Green (2012)

• The Holy Bible Matthew 10:31 New International Version

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